Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Team 22 Highlights 6/20

Good morning Team 22 Families,

It's crazy to think how quickly the year has flown by! This week was our last full week of school.

The past couple weeks, the students have been hard at work finishing up our Social Issues Book Clubs where we discussed themes like homelessness, bullying, exclusion, and sibling rivalry. The students did such a great job with these. I love listening into their conversations and hearing their "book talk". This week, the students worked in partners to "buddy read". They made sure to use all the reading strategies they've learned over the year in their "buddy reading".

This week, the students finished their Geometric Town project that they have been working on for the past week. The students included all kinds of geometric shapes, angles, and lines (both parallel and perpendicular) in their towns. They loved sharing their neighborhoods with the class and enjoyed discussing their favorite restaurants and shops in town.

Social Studies
In Social Studies the past couple weeks, we wrapped up our study of The Revolutionary War. We discussed the need for rules and laws when creating a new government and the students had a chance to come up with rules they would enforce if they were creating our country. After this, we took a look at The Bill of Rights and compared laws the students created to the real laws that were created for America. This week, we started our study of Framingham. Students took a look at a map of our city when it was established in 1700. We also studied the Framingham town seal and studied each of the symbols incorporated in it. Students also discussed what they would incorporate into the Framingham town seal if we were to create a more modern version.

In writing, the students finished their final fairy tales. They absolutely loved this unit! Over the past week, the students focused on what it means to have a "Growth Mindset". The class has worked so hard to create their own Growth Mindset books. This project has allowed them to reflect on important strategies they have learned which they can refer to when facing challenges. I'm so impressed with the effort the students have put into the pages of their books!

Field Day!
Last week, Dunning held a Field Day! Team 22 had a blast at each of the activities. It was such a beautiful day, too. Games ranged from egg and spoon races to sack races, sponge tosses, football, and throw a ball at a cone (with Mr. Greenhouse's face on it), 

A special guest appearance was made by Bamboo, our Dunning mascot!

Social Emotional Learning
The students recently earned all their Panda Paws for outstanding classwork and positive classroom behavior! We celebrated with Pajama Day, some games, and a Despicable Me 3 Viewing Party.

To wrap up our year in third grade, the students have been working on "Memory Books", filling in pages of memories they've made this year. Students have written about their field trip to the Framingham Historical Center, their favorite day in third grade, favorite subjects, lessons, projects, what they will miss most about school, and plans they look forward to this summer!

In preparation of Move-Along-Day on Thursday (June 21st), the students had a chance to write a letter to an incoming third grader to describe all of the things they have to look forward to in third grade! Students also described Mrs. Brazell and talked about her baby! These letters also helped to alleviate any fears the incoming class may have about MCAS testing. 

The students also had a chance to write a letter they would be able to deliver to their new fourth grade teacher! The students wrote very thoughtfully, introducing themselves, describing their interests both inside school and outside of school. They also mentioned their favorite subjects and an area in school that they are hoping to improve upon over the next year. :) The fourth grade teachers are going to love receiving these letters!

Dunning is holding a spirit week this week (the last full week of school). It started off with Mustache Monday, followed by Tropical Tuesday, and Wacky Wednesday! I forgot to come in with wacky attire this morning so the girls helped me with a wacky hair do that included classroom pencils! :)

Just trying to cool off on these hot summer days! Some of the students were so kind to bring in popsicles this week to keep us refreshed.

Miss Weinstein

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Team 22 Highlights 6/1/18

Good morning Team 22 Families,

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

The students have been hard at work in their new reading unit, Social Issue Book Clubs! The kids have been diving deep into social issues such as Exclusion, Bullying, and Homelessness. I love listening to the students' conversations with their partners and small groups. They have such wonderful insights and are doing such a fantastic job at taking the perspective of different characters in the books they are reading. On Thursday, the students completed their last i-Ready diagnostic test in Reading which tracks their progress over the course of their third grade year!

The students have just finished module 7, Geometry and Measurement Word Problems! They have been working so hard on this unit and it shows. :) On Friday, the students completed their last i-Ready diagnostic test in Math which tracks their progress over the course of their third grade year!

The students have very much enjoyed the last unit in our writing program! Over the past two months, the students have been creating adaptations to Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Now, many students are beginning to create their own fairy tales based on structures they have previously studied. The kids continue to share ideas with their classmates and have also read fairy tales written by former third graders to help them brainstorm!

Social Studies
The students are almost done in their study of the Revolutionary War. We have recently studied the Declaration of Independence and will be wrapping up this unit in the following week. The class has loved learning about this time period and many have been checking new books out on this topic during our Media/Library time. The last unit we will be studying is on our very own hometown, Framingham, Massachusetts!

In other social studies news, our class had a chance to visit the Grade 4 Travel Expo (formerly known as the State and Region Fair) on Friday morning. This fair was put on by Dunning fourth graders who have been working hard to create state projects. Room 22 loved learning from their peers and teaching the rest of our class facts they learned, once they returned to our classroom.

This week in Science, we began studying the plant life cycle and heredity. On Wednesday, the students participated in a Mystery Science activity, which focused on apples. The kids learned how to grow apples and learned that not all apples will taste the same even when they come from the same parent tree (much like brothers and sisters are different from each other). We ended our investigation with a taste testing. The class had a chance to try honey crisp apples, granny smith apples, golden delicious apples, and red delicious apples. After trying each, the kids rated them on a scale of very sweet, slightly sweet, very sour, and slightly sour. We then created a class bar graph on the white board with our favorite apple!

Social Emotional Learning
Last week, we found out some of our friends from class are going to be moving over the summer to nearby towns. To talk about this more, we held a class circle. Students were able to share, giving advice to their friends who will be moving and tips to take into consideration when starting the first day at a new school. Many students in our class have moved in the past, even within the town of Framingham, and had plenty to share about their experience. It was so nice to see the students offering strategies for their classmates to use!

Sara Brazell Visits!
Last week, Sara Brazell came to visit the class with her baby, Abigail! Before she came to our room, the students had a chance to brainstorm questions they had been dying to ask since she left. The kids loved meeting the baby and loved learning more about what it's like to take care of a baby.

Miss Weinstein

Team 22 Highlights 6/20

Good morning Team 22 Families, It's crazy to think how quickly the year has flown by! This week was our last full week of school. Re...